Relationship between competitiveness, motivation, and anxiety in the sports performance of soccer players in the first category c in sports clubs of the North Department of Santander

  • César Humberto Ibarra Navas Universidad de Pamplona
  • Andrés Aubin Portilla Flórez Universidad de Pamplona
  • Jhonatan Andrés Leal Hernández Universidad de Pamplona
  • Oscar Antonio Quintero Vargas Universidad de Pamplona
  • Diego Andrés Eslava Rico Universidad de Pamplona
  • Víctor José Mariño Sánchez Universidad de Ciencias Públicas y de Salud
Keywords: Competitiveness, Motivation, Sports Performance


Football, as one of the most influential and widely practiced sports worldwide, transcends mere sporting activity. It is a cultural manifestation that crosses borders and deeply impacts society, influencing political, economic, and social aspects. This article focuses on analyzing the role of competitiveness in football performance. It explores how this competitiveness breaks down into various components, from individual motivation to the ability to handle pressure in high-performance situations. The research is based on a detailed analysis of the performance of teams participating in amateur football tournaments in Colombia, organized by the amateur division of Colombian football (Di futbol). To assess competitiveness, the COMPETITIVIDAD-10 questionnaire, developed by (Remor, 2007), is used, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of the different dimensions of this attribute in the sports domain. It is concluded that the desire to compete in football is influenced by a variety of factors, from personal motivations to cultural influences and passion for the sport. It is essential to recognize and manage competitiveness properly to avoid potential failures. It is highlighted that motivation for success is directly related to superior performance, while understanding how players handle motivation for failure is also crucial. Coaches play a fundamental role in directing this competitiveness positively and understanding the complexities of players' motivations to optimize their performance on the field. In conclusion, this study provides a deeper understanding of the competitive dynamics in the world of football and emphasizes the importance of addressing it in a balanced and healthy manner to enhance sports performance.


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How to Cite
Ibarra Navas, C. H., Portilla Flórez, A. A., Leal Hernández, J. A., Quintero Vargas, O. A., Eslava Rico, D. A., & Mariño Sánchez, V. J. (2024). Relationship between competitiveness, motivation, and anxiety in the sports performance of soccer players in the first category c in sports clubs of the North Department of Santander. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(1), 233-245. Retrieved from

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