Systematic Review of Physical Activity in Older Adults

  • Ana Gabriela Bayas Cano Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Edith Vanessa Valarezo Mendoza Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Alexander Dario Rubio Rodriguez Liceo José Ortega y Gasset
Keywords: Physical Activity, Older Adults, Systematic Review


The article presents a comprehensive systematic review on physical activity in older adults, addressing its importance, benefits, and associated challenges. A wide range of research studies were compiled and analyzed to assess the impact of physical activity on the health and well-being of this growing population. The findings highlight physical activity as an essential component for promoting healthy and active aging, with positive effects on the physical, mental, and social health of older adults. Various benefits were identified, including improvements in cardiovascular function, muscle strength, cognitive health, and reduced risk of chronic diseases, as well as enhanced quality of life. However, the challenges and barriers limiting participation in physical activity in this population were acknowledged, such as lack of access to adequate facilities, negative perceptions about aging and physical activity, and physical limitations. The need to develop and implement interventions tailored to the individual needs and preferences of older adults, as well as to promote environments and policies that foster active lifestyles in this population, is highlighted. Ultimately, the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to address these challenges and promote health and well-being in older adults through physical activity is emphasized.


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How to Cite
Bayas Cano, A. G., Valarezo Mendoza, E. V., & Rubio Rodriguez , A. D. (2023). Systematic Review of Physical Activity in Older Adults. GADE: Scientific Journal, 3(1), 164-186. Retrieved from

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