Incidences of pedagogy in teaching karate at an early age

  • Ana Gabriela Bayas Cano Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Edith Vanessa Valarezo Mendoza Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Alexander Dario Rubio Rodriguez Liceo José Ortega y Gasset
Keywords: Karate, children, systematic review, safety


This article examines the references and criteria about the impact of pedagogical methods on the practice of karate during childhood. Through an exhaustive review, the different teaching strategies used in karate instruction for children and their effect on the physical, mental and emotional development of young practitioners are analyzed. The importance of adopting pedagogical approaches adapted to the age and level of the children is highlighted, as well as the integration of games and recreational activities to maintain their interest and motivation. Additionally, the long-term benefits of quality teaching at an early age for continued growth in the martial art and beyond are explored. This article provides a comprehensive view of how pedagogy influences the teaching of karate at an early age and its role in the comprehensive training of young practitioners. Choosing a karate school is one of the big steps that parents face. An appropriate school for children at an early age is crucial for their physical, mental and emotional development. Since young children require a specialized teaching approach that is safe, fun and educational, it is important to identify the best karate schools that can provide an enriching and educational experience. In conclusion, it was obtained that some criteria determine that pedagogy has had a positive impact on the development of Karate at an early age, through its methods, innovative techniques, efficient schools, and learning results in accordance with the level of teaching.


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How to Cite
Bayas Cano, A. G., Valarezo Mendoza, E. V., & Rubio Rodriguez, A. D. (2023). Incidences of pedagogy in teaching karate at an early age. GADE: Scientific Journal, 3(2), 427-441. Retrieved from

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