Determinants of sedentary lifestyle in students of the Liceo La Pradera Educational Institution in the city of Monteria during Physical Education Classes

  • Maira Suarez P Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia
  • Isaac Velásquez. M Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia
  • Over José Vanegas Caraballo Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia
Keywords: Sedentary lifestyle, physical health, mental health, academic performance, healthy habits, promotion, active lifestyles.


The research proposal focuses on investigating the determinants of sedentary lifestyle in students of the Liceo La Pradera Educational Institution during physical education classes. The objective is to identify the factors that contribute to the lack of physical activity in these students, in order to better understand how to improve their physical and mental health and their academic performance through the promotion of healthy habits. The justification is based on the prevalence of sedentary lifestyle, the relationship between physical activity and academic performance and the importance of the comprehensive training of students. Adopting a constructivist approach, the Institutional Educational Project will be considered and the pedagogical strategies will be adapted to the individual needs of the students. The research will analyze the factors that influence physical inactivity during physical education classes, based on previous scientific evidence on the benefits of physical activity and recreation. It is expected that this study will provide a comprehensive evaluation of the determinants of sedentary lifestyle in the students of Liceo La Pradera, contributing to the promotion of more active and healthy lifestyles in the school environment.


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How to Cite
Suarez P, M., Velásquez. M, I., & Vanegas Caraballo, O. J. (2024). Determinants of sedentary lifestyle in students of the Liceo La Pradera Educational Institution in the city of Monteria during Physical Education Classes. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(3), 117-131. Retrieved from