Digital activities to reinforce reading and writing in children in the second year of basic education
Literacy skills are of great importance for everyone's academic and professional future. Your learning must be done with the highest quality possible. The Covid 19 pandemic that Ecuador experienced between the years 2019-2022 determined that schools, nationwide, adopted the virtual modality, a successful solution that allowed the teaching-learning process to be maintained, however, there were delays in some literacy indicators that led teachers, once face-to-face was recovered, to adopt strategies that allowed them to work on these aspects. This article shows the results of the application of a series of digital activities to reinforce reading and writing in children in the second year of basic education, with the use of gamification, which guaranteed higher quality learning by the children of second year of basic education at the Galileo Galilei school, belonging to the Sangolquí canton. The method used was the pre-experiment that allowed the comparison, through the application of an initial and a final pedagogical test, of the children's learning in certain indicators of reading comprehension and handwriting, taken into account for the research that It has been made.
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