Evaluation of sedentary lifestyle in primary educational institutions

  • Jesús Daniel Ruiz Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia
  • Kevin Ruiz Durango Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia
  • Alfredo Segundo López Tirado Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia
Keywords: Sedentary lifestyle; physical activity; volleyball; student.


The project seeks to address the problem of sedentary lifestyle in sixth grade students of the Liceo La Pradera Educational Institution through the practice of volleyball. Sedentary lifestyle is a growing concern in the population, especially in students, since it is usually associated with health problems such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases and lack of physical fitness. Volleyball is a complete sport that promotes physical activity, coordination, teamwork and the development of motor skills. Therefore, it is considered an ideal option to combat a sedentary lifestyle and promote a healthy lifestyle in students.  A sedentary lifestyle is more normal than one thinks, we can see that the lack of physical activity is more normal every day since we are in a world where technology evolves so much to avoid any minimal effort, the internet, the latest generation cell phones, Game consoles, even televisions, everything makes our lives easier, we no longer need to leave the house to do shopping or research and sports, except that modern WII consoles have simulation games where the natural game was recreated where you run, jump, and play. A sedentary lifestyle is a serious blow to the reality of humans since due to the lack of physical exercise there is a lot of illness due to it. The solution to these problems is nothing if not exercise, although sometimes it is not so easy due to the advanced nature of the problems that already arise, but it is not impossible.


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How to Cite
Ruiz, J. D., Ruiz Durango, K., & López Tirado, A. S. (2023). Evaluation of sedentary lifestyle in primary educational institutions. GADE: Scientific Journal, 3(6), 44-73. Retrieved from https://revista.redgade.com/index.php/Gade/article/view/323