Recreational activities as a strategy to enhance motor development from the area of physical education

  • Sara Lucía Valencia Valencia Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia
  • Silvio Rafael Villera Coronado Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia
  • Mónica Esther Castillo Gómez Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia
Keywords: Recreational activities, motor development, strategies, children, physical education.


According to Villera Coronado (2023), "During childhood, motor development continues to play a fundamental role in the child's growth and comprehensive development" (p.303). This research aims to verify the effectiveness of implementing school strategies from the physical education area based on recreational activities that contribute to better motor development in first-grade children. In line with the natural approach of the types of scope, this study will be based on explanatory and descriptive research; the population consists of first-grade elementary students from the INEM Lorenzo María Lleras Educational Institution in Montería, as well as teacher trainees and teachers from the same institution. The study suggests the regular evaluation of motor performance because early school-age children demonstrate the significance of motor work for their appropriate and comprehensive development; additionally, this research will help future teachers in the area of Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports in their professional growth.


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How to Cite
Valencia Valencia, S. L., Villera Coronado, S. R., & Castillo Gómez, M. E. (2024). Recreational activities as a strategy to enhance motor development from the area of physical education. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(6), 98-118. Retrieved from