Strategic management of land transport, traffic and road safety for a decentralized municipal autonomous government
This article makes it possible to identify the relationship and influence between land transportation, traffic and road safety for a decentralized municipal autonomous government, as well as to identify strategies and actions to be followed for adequate management of these variables by the GAD of the city of Quevedo. The proposed work contributes to solve the research problem: how does the management of land transportation, traffic and road safety affect the quality of the transportation service in the city of Quevedo; its general objective is to design strategies and strategic actions to enhance its quality. The method used is a qualitative approach of correlational-transversal cut, with a non-experimental design. At the level of disciplinary contribution at a theoretical level, it allows the understanding to improve land transportation services at the canton level, with emphasis on strategic and organizational management. The results show that there is a clear relationship between land transportation, traffic and road safety, integrated aspects that can increase the quality of service in the city of Quevedo.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Cristina Guadalupe Vinza Coronel,María Fabiola Chusin Cuzco,Emma Elizabeth Sacón Martínez,Inés Elizabeth Tenelema Jiménez,José Armando Estrada Hernández
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.