This publication has the purpose of encouraging future researchers in the field of economics, who are committed to social welfare, inclusion and sustainable development, using their knowledge to contribute to the construction of a more just and equitable society, through of tourism. The main objective is to create a space for multidisciplinary research, discussion and debate in which participants can propose solutions to the economic enigmas they face. Tourism, on the other hand, can be a positive force for local economic development and social well-being, as long as it is practiced in a responsible and sustainable manner. Special edition content:

Article 1. Systemic review of Colombia as a tourist destination / Systemic review of Colombia as a tourist destination. Margareth Cenith Ruiz Conde*, Ketty Melissa Anaya*, Daniela Peralta* and Niebles Nuñez, William*. *Universidad de Sucre, Colombia.

Article 2. Systematic review of the tourist flow: SWOT of Colossus territory. Melisa Castro Atencia*, Rosa Romero Martínez* and Niebles Nuñez, William*. *Universidad de Sucre, Colombia.

Article 3. Bibliometric review of the economic impact of tourism./ Analysis of the economic impact based on tourism. Sheila Guerrero Márquez *, Karen Margarita Paternina Palencia *, Carlos Pacheco Ruiz *. *University of Sucre, Colombia.

Article 4. Analysis of the effects that limit the productivity and innovation of tourism in Sincelejo/Analysis of the effects that limit the productivity and innovation of tourism in Sincelejo. Laura Vanessa Almario Rojas*, Vanessa Carolina Hernández Funes*, María Alejandra Sibaja Padilla* and Carlos Pacheco Ruiz*.*Universidad de Sucre, Colombia.

Article 5. Behavior of investment in tourism: Toluviejo and its potentialities/Behavior of investment in Tourism: Investment behavior in tourism: Toluviejo and its potentialities. Isaac David Reyes Pacheco*, Carlos Verbel Hernández*, Mauricio Álvarez* and Claudia Rojas Martínez*. *Universidad de Sucre, Colombia.

Article 6. Strategies to position the Gulf of Morrosquillo as a tourist destination/ Strategy's to position the Gulf of Morrosquillo as a tourist destination. Sady Acosta *, Santiago Robledo *, Samuel Vargas *, Nain Lazaro *, Claudia Rojas Martínez *. *Universidad de Sucre, Colombia.

Article 7. Economic research methodology: Investigative proposals on tourism in the department of Sucre/ Economic research methodology: Investigative proposals on tourism in the department of Sucre. Luisa Chaparro Ramírez*, Yanith Terán Flórez*, Lina Marcela Beleño Nieto*, Yeison Flórez García*, Santiago Mercado Medina*, José Ángel Barrios Martinez*, Maria Naty Carrascal Martinez* and Heily Margarita Martinez Ramírez*.*Universidad de Sucre, Colombia .

Published: 2023-05-14
